Friday, September 19, 2008

Which language is better? Russian, of course!

I found this flyer in the bathroom stall of the language building on campus. Intriguing- someone went to the trouble of creating this document, with images and apparently real quotes from TA evaluations... but who did it? The TA who received these comments? Are they all from one TA (though I'm sure all TAs of Russian 101 are "better")? An enterprising, lone TA trying to sell Russian 101? Or a powerful professor looking to boost numbers? I wonder when they posted this flyer- it must have been a couple weeks ago, at the beginning of the semester. Why did they choose to advertise Russian 101 in the restroom? Did they post similar advertisements in the men's restroom? Were there more in other places? This is the first time I've seen it and I practically live in this building!

I don't quite know what to say about the use of comparatives and superlatives in this document. Better than what? More rewarding than what? Way more fun than what? Other course subjects (math, history, science...)? Other languages?

I guess it's just something to think about when registering for a language...

(does that mean "think about how much more fun, rewarding and better language courses are" or "think about how much more fun, rewarding and better Russian is"? I suspect the latter.)

I wonder why Russian 101 is so much better than the other languages. I guess the Russian language is just... better! ;)

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Obviously you've never taken Russian 101 or you'd know how much way more better it is. Perhaps Italian speaking Lithuanians can't appreciate an unassociated superlative because of their anit-Russian bias. What with all the times Russia invaded Lithuania and the fact that Italy and Russia were enemies during WWII.